Read Online Miss Julia Takes the Wheel Ann B Ross 9780525560487 Books

By Megan Bradley on Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Read Online Miss Julia Takes the Wheel Ann B Ross 9780525560487 Books

Product details

  • Series Miss Julia (Book 20)
  • Hardcover 320 pages
  • Publisher Viking (April 2, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0525560483

Miss Julia Takes the Wheel Ann B Ross 9780525560487 Books Reviews

  • I have just finished, Miss Julia Takes the Wheel, and I am outraged at the treatment of Osteopathic Physicians by the author. How wonderful that she looked up the definition of Osteopath and based her opinion on that. On reading in the newspaper that a DO has joined the hospital staff, Miss Julia states, “ The problem I have is with the very recent elevation of these outliers to the same level of authority as fully qualified and accredited physicians.” A Doctor of Osteopathy, DO, is a fully licensed and board certified physician working in the same fields as an MD and equally qualified. She is also of the opinion that they attended a DO school because they could not get in to an MD medical school. Miss Ross has done a great injustice to the thousands of dedicated DO physicians who see and treat patients daily and work hard in their profession. Outliers, indeed..what an insult. I have read my last Miss Julia book!
  • The first 27 pages are a Rant about the changes to the delivery of medical services and care as the U.S. has converted to profit driven medical care. Once past that, the story finally starts but is soon based on denigrating a woman who does not do enough, in Miss Julia’s estimation, to enhance her personal beauty and choose a more flattering wardrobe. Domestic violence, often a reason for this, is touched on but discounted and ignored, while the commentary on medical services is constant and tedious. When Mildred has need of Etta Mae, I hoped Etta Mae would join the story, but alas, all of the usual rich recurring characters are missing from this book. I love the Miss Julia series and hunger for each new book, making this all the more disappointing. If the bulk of the medical commentary was removed, the author might have focused more on the domestic violence and included more of the characters we all love.
  • 'I left that alone, for it's unbecoming to criticize a woman's husband. To her face, at least.'

    In this twentieth Miss Julia book, Ann B. Ross once again takes her readers on a wonderful ride (no pun intended) as we enter into the land of hijinks with Miss Julia Murdoch. Miss Julia's doctor has taken an extended vacation with his wife and hired a replacement in his stead. She is not one to welcome change, so she decides she must do something about this situation. Miss Julia, ever the consummate southern gracious lady, invites them over to dinner along with two other couples she knows and loves. The doctor's wife, Lauren, is an odd duck for sure and afterwards, Hazel Marie and Binkie pick up on some strange vibes from the doctor himself.

    In the meantime, Miss Julia's long time friend, LuAnne, who has divorced her philandering husband of 30 years, has just taken a job at the local funeral home. Add to the pot the fact that Lloyd has just gotten his first car, even though he is ashamed to be seen driving it, and you have all the ingredients necessary for a rollicking good time. And Miss Julia never fails to deliver. How that woman manages to get herself into the scrapes she does never ceases to amaze me. But she soldiers on like a good Southern lady, even when she's knee deep in mud in the pitch black dark.

    Put your seatbelt on and get ready for a hilarious ride as Miss Julia once again proves she is up to the task of setting folks straight in Abbotsville, NC. We see wonderful characters from previous books as well as a few new ones, who we'll never see again. My husband always says to me when I'm reading a Miss Julia book, 'What's Miss Julia up to now?' So I read to him and he laughs right along with me. Come along for the ride. Highly recommended.

    *My thanks to the publisher for an advance copy of this book. No positive review was expected. All the opinions stated here are expressly my own.
  • This is another great book from the zany southern genre. The only thing that kept me f r on a five star review was the author had her main character regularly watch Fox news.
  • There's too much discussion on the failings of our medical system and not enough action. I missed hearing from characters in the previous books. I hope Miss Julia climbs off her soapbox a little more in the next book. Because all in all I'll still be waiting for the next one.
  • This Miss Julia is a little different than the others, but still a good read. It is interesting to watch Lloyd grow into a young man, under the watchful eyes of Miss Julia and J D Pickens. Ann Ross is an excellent writer and I enjoy her books and highly recommend them. I hope Miss Julia stays around for a long time with Lillian and the rest of the family. I noticed one reviewer was very critical and sort of indicated that Miss Julia was racist. Boy was she wrong. Miss Julia looks upon Lillian as a sister and true friend. I grew up with someone like Lillian in my life and I loved her very much. I am 80 yrs old and my special friend has been gone for many years, but she still has a place in my heart and I think of her still. That is how I see Miss Julia and Lillian. Can't wait for the next book.
  • I always enjoy your Miss Julia books. I pre-paid for this one and read it in two days plus had a back injection one of those days.

    There were parts of the book that were funny. I even laughed out loud.

    However, I missed interaction from the new twins, the church gossip we can all relate to in a southern town, the sweet dear loyal maid, and some other old characters.

    Little Lloyd was hysterically funny. He is growing up to be quite a ladies man with a sense of honesty and sense of humor unbeknownst to himself. Loved that!

    Please write more about this typical southern town where tomato sandwiches, fried chicken and manners will always be in style.

    I just wish the book had gone on longer.

    Please keep writing!

    Honestly your fan,

    Pam Rainey