PDF Bright Start A Thank You Walk A story about gratitude Nancy Loewen Hazel Michelle Quintanilla 9781786033024 Books

By Megan Bradley on Thursday, June 13, 2019

PDF Bright Start A Thank You Walk A story about gratitude Nancy Loewen Hazel Michelle Quintanilla 9781786033024 Books

Product details

  • Age Range 3 - 5 years
  • Grade Level Preschool and up
  • Series Bright Start
  • Board book 10 pages
  • Publisher words & pictures (March 12, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 178603302X

Bright Start A Thank You Walk A story about gratitude Nancy Loewen Hazel Michelle Quintanilla 9781786033024 Books Reviews

  • When I was young, my maternal grandpa loved to take me on walks. One of his favorite stories he would recount to me when I was older was about the time I spotted a robin ahead of us on the sidewalk. I hunched down and watched it intently for several minutes, then I tried to waddle after it to get closer. It looked at me and, apparently not sensing a threat, let me approach. My Grandpa Claire was just tickled every time when he'd describe how we were practically nose to beak, studying each other.

    I now have fond memories of taking my daughters walking around town. It began with exploring my Indiana neighborhood when I had only one daughter, who sometimes slept in the stroller during these excursions. Now I get to take both of my girls to my favorite Wisconsin trails. We might notice birds flying overhead or pinecones and acorns scattered on the ground. When we are along the river, there might be boats that catch our eye or conversations carried across the water that we pick up on. The slow pace of these walks allows us to seek out details we'd miss if we were rushing by in a car, and it gives us opportunities for conversations we might not otherwise have.

    A Thank You Walk is a short picture book that shows a mother and child enjoying each other's company while they take a walk. They notice the chirping birds at the feeder and the mom narrates how they are thanking them for the food. Through this modeling in other examples, at the close of the story, the young child helps a beetle turn upright and, as the insect flies away, the child declares that it is thanking them for intervening.

    It is a darling, sweet read that enforces the special moments that can take place through a short walk and models how meaningful simple conversations can be in such a setting. And I'm thankful for the way it called to mind the special story my grandfather would tell me; he is now gone, and it was a treat to recall his joy when telling stories such as the one I shared above.

    (I received a digital ARC from Quarto Publishing Group via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.)
  • There is a new series of books from Quarto called Bright Start. A Thank You Walk is the first of these that I have read; I think that the books will be welcomed by those with young children.

    A mom and her child go for a walk together. They observe the animals with whom they interact. The sounds that the animals make are their thank yous and the mom and child together enjoy hearing them, as for example, when a horse neighs after being given a carrot. The walk itself is also something that the child thanks her mom for.

    The illustrations are simple with black, white and a bit of color yet they are very engaging. The dog Duke in particular has a lot of personality.

    This is a sweet and simple story. It feels just right for the youngest children as it reminds them to be aware of the things that we may be thankful for and shows a warm relationship between a mother and child.

    Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this read in exchange for an honest review.
  • 'Bright Start - A Thank You Walk A story about gratitude' with words by Nancy Loewenand and illustrations by Hazel Michelle Quintanilla is part of a series aimed at teaching emotional intelligence to the very young.

    Mother and daughter go for a walk. Along the way, they help a beetle get flipped over, feed a horse and some birds. All the animals they help feel grateful, and so does mother for getting to take this walk.

    The series is aimed at 1-3 year olds, and I think the cute pictures and short sentences will captivate young readers. Teaching gratitude to the young seems like a brilliant idea to me. The more thankful we can be, the more our well-being is improved. The world could use more gratitude.

    I received a review copy of this ebook from Quarto Publishing Group - words & pictures, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
  • Mom and little girl take dog for a walk. Everywhere they go they encounter someone or something that’s grateful, from the birds to a horse to a beetle.
    It’s a little heavy-handed, but I doubt a kid small enough to be interested in this will notice.
    Orange is the only color used other than black and white, which is strange—even the dog’s tongue is orange—but considering it’s my favorite I’m okay with it. Whether the kid reading this minds. . . you’ll have to ask them.
  • I received an Advanced Reader Copy from Quarto Publishing Group - words & pictures and Netgalley for my unbiased opinion of the book. I loved this book! The layout was great and the simple clean drawings. The story was cute with the message that we should be thankful for everything every day. I will be buying this for a great-niece’s birthday coming up!!!
  • A Thank You Walk is a simple and sweet story of gratitude. As the little one and mom take a walk they notice birds chirping, their dog’s tail wagging, and many signs of gratefulness. I enjoyed the illustrations and simple style and would recommend this book for probably 2-4 year olds.
  • Thank you to Netgalley and Quatro Publishing Group for this read in exchange for my honest review.

    I think this sweet book would be perfect for young children and toddlers. The sentences have a singsong pattern and the simple pictures with a splash of color catch your attention.

    The story very accurately depicts how children see the world and will connect well.
  • This book is precious!

    It's a 10 page book designed to teach toddlers and littles about gratitude in their everyday lives. The illustrations are darling and age appropriate and the overall message is timely and meaningful for all of us!