Read Keep Showing Up How to Stay Crazy in Love When Your Love Drives You Crazy Karen Ehman 0025986347642 Books

By Megan Bradley on Thursday, May 16, 2019

Read Keep Showing Up How to Stay Crazy in Love When Your Love Drives You Crazy Karen Ehman 0025986347642 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher Zondervan (February 26, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0310347645

Keep Showing Up How to Stay Crazy in Love When Your Love Drives You Crazy Karen Ehman 0025986347642 Books Reviews

  • Karen’s new book is full of practical suggestions to help you implement Biblical principals in your Marriage. She reminds us that we have choices in how we view romance, love, marriage, and relationship. We can choose to view it through the world’s unrealistic portrayals that raise our expectations and disciples us via TV shows, romance novels, magazine articles, and the movies;
    that our mates are there to romance us, make us happy and fulfil the voids in our life Or, we can choose to follow God’s principals in the Bible as to how we are to live our lives and interact with others; and allow God to fill the voids in our lives that only He can fill

    On Pg. 10 Karen cautions “This book was written with the average marriage in mind that has its share of heartache, misunderstandings, and normal marital spats. If you are dealing with a more serious issue, such as porn addiction or adultery, or if the conflict your experience over any issue causes arguments that escalates quickly or even frighten you due to verbal abuse or physical harm, get help.”
    I come from a marriage very damaged by porn, addiction, and adultery. I believe that there are many tools in this book for me and for others in similarly damaged marriages. Some of the tools I am not ready to take out of the toolbox and use yet. Other’s I can readily implement in a marriage that I am choosing to stay in and be a part of “God’s Redemptive Work” in a man’s life. When I am ready, as God helps me heal and the marriage relationship heal; I can take out the tools and review some of Karen’s practical instructions that suggest ways to use them and I can begin to practice using those tools.
    I highly recommend this book for those seeking to “Keep Showing Up” in their marriages as they allow God to transform them.

    I received an ARC of this book in paperback format, as a member of the launch team. The opinions expressed above are my own and I have received no other renumeration than the aforementioned book. I have purchased a copy directly
  • Karen's new book on marriage is hitting bookshelves at the perfect time for so many of us. One of her greatest gifts in writing is her ability to make you feel as if the pages transport you to sitting at her table, drinking coffee and having a heart to heart conversation. The kind of conversation that requires tissues, because you may find yourself laughing so hard you cry or because she's touching those deep places needing honesty and healing. Even if she's telling you something hard to hear because you know you need to change, she does so in such a gentle way that you're willing to give it a try because she's giving you the courage to do it with her gentle spirit and honesty. In Keep Showing Up, the conversation will teach you how to fight for your marriage in the right way, help you redefine what romance is, help you work on yourself more than trying to change your spouse, how to be together as a team, and how to truly reconnect. It's scripturally sound and above all, points you to Christ. Whether you're newly married or married decades, I think you'll find something in its pages that can be truly transforming to whatever season of marriage you're in.
  • Are there ever times you don’t like your spouse? It may sound terrible to say but if you’re married you have experienced this. This is completely normal! In Keep Showing Up, author Karen Ehman takes you on a journey of HOW to keep showing up even when your love drives you crazy. This book is jammed packed with many practical ideas to improve your marriage. I love how Karen challenges you to look at yourself and the ways you can grow to love and respect your spouse even better. Keep Showing Up is a breath of fresh air and a must read for all married couples!
  • To be honest the titled had me curious what advice was included in the book. We all know your “one true” love can drive you batty at times. This book was filled with biblical wisdom. To be honest some of this was hard to read...because sometimes I was the one causing the craziness. It’s filled with lots of practical, wonderful tips. It’s a must read for newly marrieds, long time marriages, or planning to get married. So glad I read this book.
  • This book has given me a new perspective on my marriage and communication between myself and my husband. Karen addresses 3 common issues in marital communications and doles out some practical advise for how to overcome those issues. Written from the perspective of someone who acknowledges her own struggles, the text is relatable and easy to read! This book does not disappoint and will be on my standard gift list for all engaged couples!
  • It was a light, quick read with solid Biblical principles for marriage. I think what made it worth reading for me (personally) was the stress on being married in community. Our first instinct is to balk at that much transparency (at least mine is!) but I have seen first hand what living outside godly accountability and transparency can do beyond just the examples in the book. To kindly be willing to have that awkward conversation if it will serve to warn our brothers and sisters, even at the risk of losing a friendship. Or to hear humble reproof from those with a good view of our lives.
    I also liked the reframing of our picture of our husband to choose the good highlight reel instead of the bad.
    Overall, one thing Karen Ehman said a few times that hit me afresh is that I have to vigilant in my own marriage it takes two people to make a great marriage but only one to break it up. So far as it depends on me, I must keep showing up.
  • I wish Karen Ehman was my neighbor, and I could sit down at her kitchen table to ask her how to survive the crazy chaos in my marriage. But after reading this book, I feel like she created a place for me in the pages of her book and invited me in. She doesn't preach at me or tell me that I need to take a chill pill. She confesses she struggles, too, and she is willing to share the hard-earned wisdom she has gained in the trenches. Karen has encouraged me to keep fighting for my marriage, and she's given me practical tools to help me adjust my thinking and fight smart. I am so thankful I read this book, and I will be sharing it with all my married friends. This was a game changer.