Download PDF Bleeding Hearts 2nd edition Killian Kendall Mysteries Josh Aterovis Books

By Megan Bradley on Thursday, May 9, 2019

Download PDF Bleeding Hearts 2nd edition Killian Kendall Mysteries Josh Aterovis Books

Product details

  • Series Killian Kendall Mysteries
  • Paperback 236 pages
  • Publisher P.D. Publishing, Inc.; 2 edition (December 14, 2007)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1933720344

Bleeding Hearts 2nd edition Killian Kendall Mysteries Josh Aterovis Books Reviews

  • Killian Kendall is a young man attending high school in Maryland and is quite content to be overlooked. That is until he meets an out gay boy in his drama class and befriends him only to begin wondering about his own sexual preferences. However, this coming out story quickly takes a morbid turn when a scheduled rendezvouz in the park has Killian discovering his friend's body and getting stabbed himself by the fleeing attacker.

    This is the second Killian Kendall mystery that I've read and they're a unique blend of coming out fiction and detective story. The prose is generally workmanlike and serves the story well although there are some spots that seem overearnest and a bit amateurish. Still, its better than a lot of the writing I've encountered lately from much larger publishing concerns.

    This is a good page-turning read and worth the time. Don't expect "capital L" literature but if you like detective stories or coming out stories, check this one out.
  • I received this book on a Friday and finished it before the end of that Saturday. I literally couldn't put this book down. The main characters have so much personality and development that I swore I'd known them forever. The writing style is fluid and very personable. The story is compelling and does a pretty solid job of keeping one guessing who the killer is till the end. I'm looking at further books in the series to add to my cart so I can see what Killian gets up to next.
  • This book was recommended by an internet friend and am I glad he recommended it to me. I enjoyed the story line and will be reading all three books in the series. It is a great combination of a mystery and a gay novel. The book maybe made for younger readers but this near 60 year old gay guy really enjoyed it and I am sure you will also!
  • This book isdefinitely worth reading! It has such wonderful elements of rhetoric and style. Josh Aterovis is definitely setting himself into the literary cannon with his Killian Kendall series. I was thouroughly impressed by everything he wrote and the entire story just pieces together so well. He writes with such elegance and most of all humor. There are so many instances where I was laughing because of the main characters witticism.
  • Bleeding Hearts is a young adult coming of age mixed with mystery, murder, angst, and teenage first love. The simplistic prose is likely to appeal to both teenagers and adults, creating an easy to read and enjoy story. As the first book in a series, the story tends to focus on the narrator and his sexuality while the mystery is woven in almost as a subplot. In some ways this works very well and in other parts, the story suffers but overall Bleeding Hearts offers a charming young man on the cusp of new horizons with infinite possibilities. This book and likely the series will appeal to those fans of the young adult genre that are looking for some deeper issues presented without overwhelming intensity.

    Killian Kendall is the first person narrator and a sophomore in high school. On the first day of school he meets Seth, a new boy that admits immediately he's gay. Despite the homophobic atmosphere of the town and high school, Killian befriends Seth. All too soon violence strikes at the two new friends leaving Killian gravely injured and Seth dead. Everyone seems to have dismissed the crime as a random act but Killian is not so sure. He decides to ask a few questions around school but soon becomes embroiled in personal drama as his own sexuality comes into question and he soon has a few too many admirers.

    For the majority of the story, the focus is on Killian's acceptance of his sexuality and then dealing with a sudden plethora of wannabe partners. The mystery subplot does come into play much more prominently towards the end and the connections made from Seth and Killian's friendship have long lasting affects. Killian's characterization and growth dominate the book and the plot tends to indulge his angst and immature emotions. Given his age and difficult time of understanding then accepting his sexuality, especially in a hostile environment of both home and at school, Killian's roller coaster emotions are often understandable. He does tend to cry a lot and there is a fair amount of angst and whining involved, but nothing overwhelmed the book. Mostly Killian is kept sympathetic as he struggles to understand his own confused desires in the midst of his family's disapproval and the one friend who could understand dying.

    Seth's death sparks off many repercussions. For starters Killian comes out as gay very soon which forces him to live with Seth's father, Adam, who later becomes his legal guardian. There is a minor thread about Killian's overbearing father but this is mostly dropped other than to mention his father ends up in jail at the end of the book. I'm not clear why Killian's father is in jail but he's built as a typical abusive, overbearing, domineering man. Killian then struggles with coming out at school, a potential relationship with his best friend, another potential relationship with a new friend, and a beard that wants more than a pretend relationship. This love quagmire dominates the plot of the book for the most part as Killian tries to come to terms with all the changes in his life. He tends to be self absorbed and make a lot of mistakes but these are innocent and out of immaturity and inexperience. He has a few too stupid to live moments - especially at the end - but this is pretty typical for teenagers.

    Due to the many personal relationships, the actual mystery is talked about but not explored for the majority of the story. There are numerous clues and a lot of foreshadowing, to the point that I easily figured out the evil culprit pretty early on. There aren't too many options so the real mystery becomes when will Killian figure it out and what will he do. Well this isn't the strength of the book as the ending is improbable and slightly eye rolling, but Killian as a narrator has a lot of youthful charm and charisma. Besides the murder aspect, part of the book feels unfocused and drifting as the teenage angst and drama carries the story forward. There are a lot of elements the story tries to tie together such as teenage bullying, coming out, hostile home environment, homophobic school, several possible love interests, murder, stalking, new guardians, new younger brother (with issues there), and several sexually confused teenagers. The book starts with Seth being the only gay character and ends with at least half dozen gay or confused young men and adults introduced. So there is a lot going on from the start to finish. For the most part the writing keeps the book on track and moving with easy to read prose and an engaging, interesting narrator.

    Bleeding Hearts presents a lot of issues and mostly tackles them well with a few hiccups. The strength is the great character of Killian, strong descriptive setting, and inherent empathy towards the subject. The story moves easily so you won't be able to put it down and the wealth of possibility sets up what could be a great series. I can't wait to read more about Killian and his exploits as he grows and matures. If you're looking for a solid young adult coming out story that handles intense issues but never lets the drama overwhelm the story, check this out. Hopefully you'll like it as I did.
  • I Ate Josh Aterovis' Bleeding Hearts like candy and that's saying something. While I may really like a lot of books I read, I don't rush through them all, not wanting to put them down. I suppose the best proof of this is that I actually read the book on my morning commutes (Usually I "sleep" during my morning commute and read during my evening commute.) and my evening commutes.

    Other reviews have laid out the plot for prospective readers, so I won't go there. I would, however, like to note that the depth of characterization and attention to detail is wonderfully immersing. Each character, regardless how minor, is a complete and separate person. The death is horrendous and the mystery is involving, although it gets left behind in favor of exploring coming out and the fact that there are a lot more gay students in the local high school than had previously been dreamt of in young Killian's philosophy. I think that simple point, alone, makes this an important read for any teen struggling with his sexuality, but there's so much more to love here. The mystery gets picked up again towards the end with a real nail-biter climax.

    I laughed in parts, I got angry and I shed a few tears and, to me, that says the story was convincingly written. My editor's hat seems to be permanently nailed to my head,whether fortunately or unfortunately, which often causes problems with books. Bleeding Hearts is a first novel and has a few first novel problems but it's eminently readable--like I said, candy. If you know of a kid struggling with coming out issues, or a friend's coming out issues, this would be the perfect book to hand him.

    And now I can't wait to pick up the second book in the series.