PDF Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books

By Megan Bradley on Friday, May 31, 2019

PDF Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books

Download As PDF : Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books

Download PDF Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books

A detailed study of the origins and demise of schooner-based pearling in Australia

For most of its history, Australian pearling was a shore-based activity. But from the mid-1880s until the World War I era, the industry was dominated by highly mobile, heavily capitalized, schooner-based fleets of pearling luggers, known as floating stations, that exploited Australia’s northern continental shelf and the nearby waters of the Netherlands Indies. Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business  of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age is the first book-length study of schooner-based pearling and explores the floating station system and the men who developed and employed it.

Steve Mullins focuses on the Clark Combination, a syndicate led by James Clark, Australia’s most influential pearler. The combination honed the floating station system to the point where it was accused of exhausting pearling grounds, elbowing out small-time operators, strangling the economies of pearling ports, and bringing the industry to the brink of disaster. Combination partners were vilified as  monopolists—they were referred to as an “octopus crowd”—and their schooners were stigmatized as hell ships and floating sweatshops.

Schooner-based floating stations crossed maritime frontiers with  impunity, testing colonial and national territorial jurisdictions. The Clark Combination passed through four fisheries management regimes, triggering significant change and causing governments to alter laws and extend maritime boundaries. It drew labor from ports across the Asia-Pacific, and its product competed in a volatile world market. Octopus Crowd takes all of these factors into account to explain Australian pearling during its schooner age. It argues that  the demise of the floating station system was not caused by resource depletion, as was often predicted, but by ideology and Australia’s shifting sociopolitical landscape

PDF Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books


Product details

  • Series Maritime Currents History and Archaeol
  • Hardcover 336 pages
  • Publisher University Alabama Press; First edition (August 13, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0817320245

Read Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books

Tags : Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age (Maritime Currents History and Archaeol) (9780817320249) Stephen Mullins Books,Stephen Mullins,Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age (Maritime Currents History and Archaeol),University Alabama Press,0817320245,Australia - Commerce - History,Mother-of-pearl - Australia - History,Mother-of-pearl;Australia;History.,Pearl divers - Australia - History,Pearl divers;Australia;History.,Pearl fisheries - Australia - History,Pearl fisheries;Australia;History.,Schooners - Australia - History,Business Economics/Industries - General,HISTORY / Australia New Zealand,HISTORY / General,HISTORY / Maritime History Piracy,History/Australia New Zealand - General,History/World,Non-Fiction,UNIVERSITY PRESS

Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books Reviews :

More aboutPDF Octopus Crowd Maritime History and the Business of Australian Pearling in Its Schooner Age Maritime Currents History and Archaeol Stephen Mullins Books

Ebook The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness Dave Ramsey 8601419684588 Books

By Megan Bradley

Ebook The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness Dave Ramsey 8601419684588 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 272 pages
  • Publisher Thomas Nelson; 1 edition (September 17, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781595555274
  • ISBN-13 978-1595555274
  • ASIN 1595555277

The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness Dave Ramsey 8601419684588 Books Reviews

  • After years of hearing and reading about The Total Money Makeover, I finally grabbed myself a copy and read the whole thing in one night. While I would not call myself a Dave Ramsey fan, there was definitely value in the book. He has 7 steps he suggests moving through

    1. Save $1000

    Pretty straight forward. You need a bumper for the small emergencies. Shit happens.

    2. Debt Snowball

    The debt snowball approach is something quite valuable that took reading about in this book to fully grasp and get behind. It’s quite simple in its brilliance actually. You make a list of your debts from smallest to biggest (excluding mortgage) and focus all of your financial effort on one debt at a time (making only the minimum payment on all others), working your way down. Once you cross one off, you divert all the money you were paying on that debt to the next, with the payment size growing at each step. We only had 2 debts (1 car loan and the consolidated student loans) so it wasn’t too complicated. Still, it was helpful. I had been focusing on building the savings but diverted my attention and resources to stamping out the car loan instead. I can see how this technique could be life-saving for people who are overwhelmed with debtors.

    A main tenet of his book is that we can and should all be debt-free. There is a lot that resonates with me about living a debt-free life and this is a message I hope more people hear and get inspired by. Minimalism and debt-free are very good friends. Though I’m not dogmatic or militant about it. There are times when debt has been advantageous in my life but we don’t take it lightly, only entering into it consciously, with eyes wide open and a clear plan.

    3. 3-6 Months Expenses in Savings

    Building up and maintaining a savings of 3-6 months expenses is the next focus only after all debts are paid. Companies go under. Employees get laid off. Freelance work experiences a drought. People get sick. Life happens. You need an emergency fund to get you through the hard times. In today’s professional climate, this is even more essential than in the past because the old working model of clocking in at 20 and retiring from the same company at 55 is dead. (I recently read The End of Jobs, which I recommend if you want to read more about that.) 3 years is actually the sweet spot in terms of job satisfaction and performance for being at a company. If you’re changing jobs every few years, the transitions can be sticky. You need a buffer.

    4. 15% to Retirement (401K, ROTHIRA, Mutual Funds Investing)

    There is one line he hammers throughout the entire book over and over again “If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.” He means that if you live a shitty life in your prime, you might enjoy a nice life when you are old and retired. Most of his examples throughout the book glorify families in which the parents work 3 jobs and rarely see their kids but by golly, they might have a nice savings if they make it to old age running themselves ragged. This is the heart of his philosophy and it’s one I completely disagree with. My philosophy is definitely more in line with Tim Ferris in that regard who urges you not to sacrifice your present for a future that may never come in the 4-hour work week (Ramsey actually even throws shade at Tim’s approach in this book). Particularly when there are children involved. My kids would rather have us present and be happy, healthy, rested, and homeschooling with a student loan floating out there than have us be absent working 3 jobs while they are in school and daycare with no student loan. These years are so important and while being debt free and financially healthy is a priority (we don’t use credit, we snowball, we budget, we save, we contribute to retirement), it is not the priority.

    5. College Fund (ESA funded in growth stock mutual funds)

    I appreciate that he does include a bit about college not being a golden ticket. If you want to read more about our approach to college for our 3 kids, check out Sage Homeschooling Wild and Free.

    6. Pay off Mortgage

    This is where I hop off the Dave Ramsey train entirely. I know someone who had 3 houses paid off and then the real estate market crashed and they lost everything. I don’t plan to stay in the same house my entire life and I am happy to purchase a property with a mortgage, fix it up with a tight budget and lots of elbow grease, and sell it several years later when we are ready to move on to a new adventure (freedom of mobility). Also, the nation’s average income ($50K) paired with the cost of housing in a major city ($710K in Seattle), don’t line up for buying a house all cash. Again, his mindset around this is painfully outdated. The person he is talking to gets hired by Blockbuster out of college, works there 35 years, then retires and dies in their rocking chair on the porch. Norman Rockwell called and he wants his financial advice back. That is just not the world we live in anymore.

    7. Build Wealth (invest)

    He claims the only way to get rich is to invest in the stock market.

    Overall, it’s a book worth reading. The first 3 steps alone should be knowledge every teenager launches knowing. The philosophy is not my jam and I could certainly do without the patriarchal overtones and bible verses, but a quick and easy read that adds value nonetheless.

    I was hoping for some budgeting inspiration but found none in this book. I’m presently trying You Need a Budget. We’ll see . . .
  • I grabbed this book because I was tired of watching our bank account drain and credit card balances rise, all the while wondering where the heck our money was going. And quite simply put, this changed everything for us within the first month.

    The "makeover" is a set of 7 baby steps, but before the steps comes the cornerstone of the whole program a written budget and a cash envelope system. The book covers why you need a written budget, and boy, it was true for us. Sure, I had a mental idea of what our bills were. But writing everything out let me see ALL the little things I tend to forget about, and how quickly they add up. The book helped us make a "zero based" budget, meaning we earmarked every dollar coming in for a specific purpose (rent, groceries, gasoline, etc.) Then comes the cash envelope system, which helped us make an immediate 180-degree turnaround on our spending. The book covers why cash is better than plastic (debit as well as credit), as well as how to create cash envelopes for each spending category and stuff them with the budgeted amounts. No more accidental overspending!

    The rest of the book goes over the baby steps, a systematic, do-these-in-order money tasks to kill debt and build wealth. Each step's chapter also includes personal success stories. Honestly, you can learn the steps without this book either from the Dave Ramsey website, or even better, from watching the metric TON of YouTube videos on his channel. He does a daily show where people call in with money problems, and he uses this method to solve them. That practical, real-world advice has taught me a lot about this system. But I like having this book handy on my as a reference, plus the info given about each individual step goes more in-depth than the website.

    To sum up, if you own Financial Peace University, Dave's other money books, or are a die-hard YouTube viewer, there's likely nothing new here. But if you're new to the system or want a written reference to go along with his videos, this might well be the one to get in order to cover the basics. I was desperate and at wit's end, terrified of the retirement future staring me in the fact in the next decade or so. Now, I can see a bright financial future ahead, and we have a plan. I can't say enough about this program!
  • Good book. Life changing! In 4 months, I paid off my car loan, all credit cards and doctor bills!!! About $6,000 total. I increased my credit score to a 747. Started at a 660.
  • If you've read The Total Money Makeover, you don't really need this workbook. But if you haven't read Total Money Makeover, I wouldn't use this as a substitute - just go get the Total Money Makeover instead.

    The baby steps are pretty straightforward
    Baby Step 1 – $1,000 to start an Emergency Fund - you'll find this way easier than you expect to.
    Baby Step 2 – Pay off all debt using the Debt Snowball - this takes a LOT of patience, but you can do it.
    Baby Step 3 – 3 to 6 months of expenses in savings
    Baby Step 4 – Invest 15% of household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement
    Baby Step 5 – College funding for children
    Baby Step 6 – Pay off home early
    Baby Step 7 – Build wealth and give

    The rules are simple
    1) Live and breathe by your budget.
    2) Attack your debt with a vengeance. Think about how your debt is holding you back and get mad at your debt.
    3) Don't stray from the path.
    4) As Dave says, "Live like no one else so you can live (and give) like no one else."

    I listen to the podcast as well and it helps keep me thinking forward and remembering why I started my journey. Dave Ramsey's work can be life-changing, but you have to follow it to the letter. Don't try to do your own thing. That said, know that the rules are available widely online, and Ramsey didn't create this philosophy, he just made it easier to understand than anyone had in the past.
More aboutEbook The Total Money Makeover Classic Edition A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness Dave Ramsey 8601419684588 Books

PDF Women Rowing North Navigating Life&rsquos Currents and Flourishing As We Age eBook Mary Pipher

By Megan Bradley

PDF Women Rowing North Navigating Life&rsquos Currents and Flourishing As We Age eBook Mary Pipher

Product details

  • File Size 2229 KB
  • Print Length 266 pages
  • Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing; 1 edition (January 15, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 15, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07FLDP872

Women Rowing North Navigating Life&rsquos Currents and Flourishing As We Age eBook Mary Pipher Reviews

  • Aging has some real issues living in a culture that not only denigrates old age but actively despises it, the lack of civility that makes it hard to move fast enough to avoid being in the way, the high cost of medicine, the one-size-fits-all medical treatment, etc. This book is of no use that I can see. The author's approach is the same kind of generic advice you can find everywhere. If you are annoyed by being told that there are 8 steps to grief or 5 steps to acceptance or to be sure to bring a casserole to a grieving friend, this is not the book for you. Most of the examples seem to be of people who will benefit by being told to take a soothing bubble bath or go hug a cactus or take a rafting trip with "the girls". Nobody seems to be cutting up their pills to save money or taking time to go deeply into "aloneness". It so trivializes aging...just one more pop psychology book to add to the pile of "self-help" books that do not help. Aging is fierce, terrifying, mysterious and very human. Pick up The Bible, the Upanishads, the Torah, the Buddhist sutras, the Odyssey and you will find the same questions being asked about Life, Old Age and Death and it's re-assuring to realize these perennial questions are part of being human. Instead of continuing to "serve", women might think about why? serve your parents, your boyfriend, your husband, your children, your parents (again) and then die " Is that life? is it MY life? why do feel I have to serve? Is it real or just conditioning? Am is afraid of being called 'selfish'? why am I doing this" Old age is a time when you have the time to contemplate these questions and to find friendship and connection with all that has come before you and all that you are. Don't waste it reading this kind of trivial junk and never asking the deeper questions about what it is to be truly human. There is only this one life as this particular "person"; it's a great joy to discover what you are!
  • I adore Mary Pipher & expected her book on "navigating life's currents & flourishing as we age" to be my new favorite "Must read!" recommendation. My enthusiasm wilted as it dawned that she often sounds like part of my born-in-1910 mother's generation than four years my senior who graduated from high school at the dawn of the conscious-raising '60s, grew up solidly in the Therapeutic Age. Where I was expecting book relevant to every part of our nation, WOMEN ROWING NORTH seems to largely (not exclusively - one is a pleasant acquaintance of mine who lives in Phila) feature examples & anecdotes from what seem to be solidly middle class, heartland women - - makes sense, since that is where she practices, but limits its effectiveness, at least to this reader. Strikes me that a more apt title would be "White Midwestern Well-Educated Upperish-Middle Class WOMEN ROWING NORTH."
  • This book is not promising perfection, but rather engagement in a process that will make us happier, says the author. And it delivers on that promise. She goes on to say that as our bodies age, our souls can expand. It’s a beautifully written and realistic book that outlines becoming an older woman. We follow her journey and other women of a similar age, but with different circumstances through their life journey.

    It’s hard to classify. It’s a memoir, it’s a cultural statement, and it’s inspiring and full of hope. At times it reads like your favorite minister at their pulpit. Other times it reads like a proud grandma and then it becomes a culture opinion and self-help piece. All of it flows seamlessly and is beautifully written and brought me to tears a handful of times.

    As I continue my journey rowing north, I will continue to refer to the book and have already passed it on to my friends.
  • For a book aimed at persons in their advanced years, why is it printed in a small font? I’m going to have to use a magnifying glass which slows me down. The index is in an even smaller font. If you are buying this as a gift, consider the Large Print format or audio.
  • I'm on the downward side of my 60's - heading straight for my '70's. Luckily, I've had family and friends who have hit the milestone ages before I have and I can see how they've dealt with aging. Of course, hitting 70 ain't like hitting 50, so I've seen different reactions from those who've gone before me. I have also just finished reading Mary Pipher's new book, "Women Rowing North Navigating Life's Currents and Flourishing as We Age". (That's such a long title that I could almost feel myself aging as I wrote it!) Pipher is the author of "Reviving Ophelia", which is about the problems and - I presume - joys of both being and raising a teenage girl. I didn't read it because I had sons, but I am growing older so I did pick up her latest book.

    Mary Pipher's book is chock-full of good advise on hitting your old age. She does talk about "Young Old" and "Old Old"; those different sub-catagories of aging. Seventy seems to be the start of "Old-Old", but she manages to make it seem almost desirable as she writes about women who've both cast off and taken on responsibilities they wouldn't have done 20 years earlier. Life is easier as we slow down to smell the flowers and enjoy our friendships and family relations. She gives us examples of women who've found contentment and purpose as they've aged, as they take care of grandchildren and sick husbands, She also tells of women who've found the same contentment as they've shed these responsibilities and lived basically solo lives.

    It's an interesting book that gave me a few ideas I hadn't originally thought about as the Big 70 - and "Old Old Age" - is fast approaching.
  • I started this book with limited expectations and found that I needed to underline quotes every few pages. I'd give it 10 stars if I could. From facing retirement to surviving the death of a partner, the author of Reviving Ophelia shows us that while every stage of life is hard, there are rewards there too; I've got the other women in my Parkinson's group reading it. (Now if only I could get my husband to read it!)
More aboutPDF Women Rowing North Navigating Life&rsquos Currents and Flourishing As We Age eBook Mary Pipher

PDF Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books

By Megan Bradley on Thursday, May 30, 2019

PDF Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books

Download As PDF : Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books

Download PDF Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books


The fourth edition of Journalism Next is updated with the latest technological innovations and media industry transformations, ensuring that Mark Briggs’ proven guide for leveraging digital technology to do better journalism keeps pace with ongoing changes in the media landscape. To keep ahead and abreast of these ever-evolving tools and techniques, Briggs offers practical and timely guidance for both the seasoned professional looking to get up to speed and the digital native looking to root their tech know-how in real journalistic principles.

PDF Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books

"It provides me the tools I need to transition from print journalist to digital. Still reading and absorbing, and the fact that it is written like an education textbook makes learning so much easier."

Product details

  • Paperback 328 pages
  • Publisher SAGE Publications, Inc; Fourth edition (August 20, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1544309449

Read Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books

Tags : Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing [Mark E. Briggs] on . <h2 style= padding-bottom 0in; padding-top 0in; padding-left 0in; padding-right 0in;border medium none; >  <p style= margin 0in 0in 8pt; >The fourth edition of <em>Journalism Next</em> is updated with the latest technological innovations and media industry transformations,Mark E. Briggs,Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing,SAGE Publications, Inc,1544309449,Citizen journalism,Journalism - Technological innovations,Online journalism,Communication studies,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Communication Studies,Language,Language Arts Disciplines/Journalism,Mark Briggs; Journalism; Digital reporting; Digital publishing; Journalism guide,Mark Briggs;Journalism;Digital reporting;Digital publishing;Journalism guide,Non-Fiction,Press journalism,TEXT,United States

Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books Reviews :

Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books Reviews

  • I needed to buy the book for my last class before graduation. Usually I don't buy the text book, but I thought since this was going to be the last time I might as well. The book is jam packed with common sense from cover to cover. If you're 2 years or more into a Communication Studies BA program, you could probably do without it.
  • This is a very practical guide to using today's technologies to do journalism. However, I don't think I ever put any of these things into practice because I had other priorities. But from what I remember it was well-laid out!! )
  • It provides me the tools I need to transition from print journalist to digital. Still reading and absorbing, and the fact that it is written like an education textbook makes learning so much easier.
  • I love that I could rent this online for so cheap!
  • It truly is practical and it is a great guide!
  • Nice
  • The problem with any book about life on the internet is that it is outdated as soon as it is published. Parts of Briggs' 2013 book are already as old as the 90's. There are, at the same time, enough pointers for the journalist hoping to work in the 21st century that I'm using it for basic journalism class. It works. It couldn't be better, no matter how hard you try.
  • When looking for a book I always go to . Not only can I find the book but always a good price. This purchase was made for my daughter who is attending college and after attending her first class she was informed that she needed the book immediately. As always came through and she received the book before her next assignment was due and was able to complete the assignment.

    Always tried and true for me.

    Thanks for your continuing assistance.
More aboutPDF Journalism Next A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing Mark E Briggs 9781544309446 Books

Ebook Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3 edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks

By Megan Bradley

Ebook Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3 edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks

Download As PDF : Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3 edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks

Download PDF Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3  edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks

Three gorgeous shifters. A queen on the verge of ruin. One dangerous Viking voyage.


The harder I try, the worse things seem to get.

In a matter of weeks, I’ve been married twice, kidnapped, witnessed death, and visited a fae kingdom.

Now, after running away from my problems yet again, I have to try to help Ero convince a people he hasn’t seen in decades to accept not only my own plight as their own, but to accept Ero as well. What’s worse, I can’t even seem to keep Ero and Roan from each other’s throats.

With Damien barely a step behind, how am I supposed to save Ero’s hide when I’ve barely managed to save my own? Will Ero’s dark past be too much to save us, or is it the key to our future?


My stormy-eyed leopard.

My hardhearted companion.

My Viking.

HER VIKING is a full-length slow-burn reverse-harem fantasy novel and the third in the Royal Shifters series. Warning cliffhanger and adult themes.

Ebook Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3 edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks

"Book three in The Royal Shifters series this series of books must be read in the order they come out to understand what is happening. The series continues with discord, danger, suspense, drama, betrayals, and more challenges to come. It is just getting more interesting with each new book. Annalise, Ero, Roan, and Damien will have infighting with their group this time. I enjoyed reading looking forward to the next book. I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review."

Product details

  • File Size 4416 KB
  • Print Length 208 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1092999442
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Red Empress Publishing (April 11, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 11, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3  edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks

Tags : Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (The Royal Shifters Book 3) - edition by Alice Wilde. Romance eBooks @ .,ebook,Alice Wilde,Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (The Royal Shifters Book 3),Red Empress Publishing,Fiction / Romance / Historical / Ancient World,Fiction / Romance / Historical / Viking

Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3 edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks Reviews :

Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3 edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks Reviews

  • The book starts with a prologue that gives insight into Ero’s past. Back in the shared present, the group seems to be suffering through quite a bit of infighting that is seeming to take precedence over their greater quest. Ero and Roan are always at odds. Damien shows up through his link to Ero, causing havoc. The book ends on a significant cliffhanger.

    I found this installment of the series a little frustrating because of all the strife between Roan and Euro and how Annalise was stuck in the uncomfortable middle. It might seem strange to have a preference, but I prefer when the members in an RH group work as a team rather than seeming to be at odds all the time. Yes, of course, there has to be conflict, but I prefer teamwork when a group strives towards an important goal, so I prefer squabbles or disagreements, not such a great chasm between people. The group's internal conflicts were definitely what this installment was about and not so much the greater picture. I find some of the author's use of language a little off-putting. For some reason, I expect my fantasy reads to have a certain elevation of language that precludes certain terms that feel more modern. Such words pull me out of the fantasy world and back into the present.

    Still, I founded this portion of the series to be an interesting read and am curious to see what happens next.

    I received a free copy of this book, but that did not affect my review.
  • The prologue of this book about broke my heart for Ero. He tells of the day he went up into his hiding spot up in the rafters to read without interruption until he was pulled out by a scream and what he sees will leave a lasting impression on his life. This book brings the series up another notch in emotional and physical intensity. Annalise and her companions are travelling to Ero's homeland. Damian is still chasing after them and causing mayhem. There's also magic working within Annalise which was seen and briefly acknowledged, but not explained. The emotional and physical intensity has just shot up another notch with this book and leaves us with a HUGE cliffhanger and more questions. I am absolutely captivated by this series and can't wait for the next book to come out.
  • There's a lot of focus on Ero in this third book of the series. It was interesting finding out about his past. Annalise and her men Ero and Roan find themselves at odds in some instances of the book, putting Annalise in a difficult position. Among that, we still have Damien not far behind from the group causing extra intensity within the group. We get some wonderful romantic moments. All in all, I enjoyed Her Viking!

    I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • Her Viking is the third book in the Royal Shifters series. The storyline was engaging and kept my interest as well as the drama, twists, mistakes and emotional turmoil created tension for the harem. They are all strong characters and that made for a well balanced harem. The attraction between them simmered along nice as they engaged in a chemistry that was hot. Can not wait to read the next book.

    I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • Book three in The Royal Shifters series this series of books must be read in the order they come out to understand what is happening. The series continues with discord, danger, suspense, drama, betrayals, and more challenges to come. It is just getting more interesting with each new book. Annalise, Ero, Roan, and Damien will have infighting with their group this time. I enjoyed reading looking forward to the next book. I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • This is the third book in this series. I missed the first book, but enjoyed the second which ended in a cliffhanger. Now she and the three shifters are on the run. She is married to Roan but has an attraction to Ero and he to her. They act on their feelings and it makes a rift between Roan and Ero. There is lots of intrigue and another cliffhanger. Can't wait for the next book. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy from Booksprout.
  • This is the third book in the series and I do recommend reading them in order. This read is fast-paced with loads of drama and emotion. The characters have lots of depth and the story really draws you in, looking forward to finding out what happens next. A good read.
  • Woah! I didn’t see that ending coming. This series is definitely getting interesting. This book was darker with Damien resorting to horrible means of getting to Annalise. I liked getting to really know Ero but I hope the trio is not ripped apart because of betrayals.
More aboutEbook Her Viking A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance The Royal Shifters Book 3 edition by Alice Wilde Romance eBooks

Download Hug Therapy A 21Day Journey to Embracing Yourself Your Life and Everyone Around You Dr Stone Kraushaar James Twyman 9781642500707 Books

By Megan Bradley

Download Hug Therapy A 21Day Journey to Embracing Yourself Your Life and Everyone Around You Dr Stone Kraushaar James Twyman 9781642500707 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher Mango (August 15, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1642500704

More aboutDownload Hug Therapy A 21Day Journey to Embracing Yourself Your Life and Everyone Around You Dr Stone Kraushaar James Twyman 9781642500707 Books

Read Online The Second Baby Book How to cope with pregnancy number two and create a happy home for your firstborn and new arrival edition by Sarah OckwellSmith Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

By Megan Bradley on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Read Online The Second Baby Book How to cope with pregnancy number two and create a happy home for your firstborn and new arrival edition by Sarah OckwellSmith Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 1253 KB
  • Print Length 304 pages
  • Publisher Piatkus (March 7, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 7, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

More aboutRead Online The Second Baby Book How to cope with pregnancy number two and create a happy home for your firstborn and new arrival edition by Sarah OckwellSmith Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Ebook The Secrets of Bees An Insider Guide to the Life of Honeybees Michael Weiler David Heaf Horst Kornberger 9781782505808 Books

By Megan Bradley

Ebook The Secrets of Bees An Insider Guide to the Life of Honeybees Michael Weiler David Heaf Horst Kornberger 9781782505808 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 160 pages
  • Publisher Floris Books; 2 edition (June 4, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1782505806

More aboutEbook The Secrets of Bees An Insider Guide to the Life of Honeybees Michael Weiler David Heaf Horst Kornberger 9781782505808 Books

Read Online 108 Buddhist Parables and Stories Olga Gutsol Books

By Megan Bradley

Read Online 108 Buddhist Parables and Stories Olga Gutsol Books

Product details

  • Paperback 234 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 25, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1090439962

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Read Online RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books

By Megan Bradley on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Read Online RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books

Download As PDF : RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books

Download PDF RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books

Publisher's Note Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, the new edition of this bestselling study guide covers the updated Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) and Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exams.

RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide, 7th Edition is fully revised to cover the recently released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and the corresponding RHCSA and RHCE certification exams. This new edition provides complete coverage of all official exam objectives for the new exams.

An integrated study system based on proven pedagogy, this revised bestseller features special elements that reinforce and teach practical skills while preparing candidates for the exam. Each chapter includes step-by-step exercises, Exam Watch and On-the-Job sidebars, Two-Minute Drills, end-of-chapter self tests, and hands-on lab questions. Electronic content includes four complete lab-based practice exams to ensure you’re ready to sit for the live exams.

  • Complete coverage of all exam objectives and performance-based requirements related to the exams, including difficult lab-based scenarios
  • Electronic content includes four complete lab-based practice exams, two for RHCSA and two for RHCE
  • A proven study system for RHCSA and RHCE candidates
  • This book includes copies of the Linux Kernel provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2

Read Online RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books

"Well well worth the price and then some. Great book if you are already experienced with linux, I've found so many other books to be an extreme bore because they start out with trivial command line basics and linux fundamentals. This books dives right in to more advanced concepts more importantly the objectives covered in the RHCSA. If you are a total linux beginner this is not the book for you, but if you already have a good start and have been doing some administration you will very much enjoy the switch up from the 'every day linux book' to exciting tasks.

While I have found some issues with some of the tasks outlined in the book not going exactly as shown in the examples, I'm not sure if that is intentional or not. It may be totally intentional that some of the tasks do not work as shown to get readers to find the issue themselves. For example in chapter 2 Michael outlines using virt-clone and provides a working example, while the example does clone the VM it does not properly create a new unix socket for the vm or set permissions on vm image, and the selinux contexts must be set as well - without applying these the VM would not start for me. The thing about this is that I very much enjoyed figuring out why the VM would not start on my own and I learned something else out of that exercise besides 'just cloning a virtual machine' .

So far this book was great, and along with a FULL COPY of the book in PDF format, all the labs in PDF format, as well as content for the labs, its an exceptional value for the price of the book.

5/5 stars!!"

Product details

  • Paperback 1072 pages
  • Publisher McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (April 8, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0071841962

Read RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books

Tags : RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide, Seventh Edition (Exams EX200 EX300) [Michael Jang, Alessandro Orsaria] on . <H4>Publisher's Note Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,Michael Jang, Alessandro Orsaria,RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide, Seventh Edition (Exams EX200 EX300),McGraw-Hill Education,0071841962,Certification Guides - General,Operating systems (Computers) - Examinations,Operating systems (Computers);Examinations;Study guides.,COMPUTER,COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / General,COMPUTERS / Client-Server Computing,COMPUTERS / General,COMPUTERS / Networking / Vendor Specific,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Linux,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / UNIX,COMPUTERS / System Administration / Linux UNIX Administration,Client-Server Computing - General,Computer Books General,Computer certification,Computer/General,Computers,Computers - Certification,Computers/Certification Guides - General,Computers/Client-Server Computing - General,Computers/System Administration - Linux UNIX Administration,General Adult,LINUX (OPERATING SYSTEM),Non-Fiction,Operating Systems - Linux,Red Hat,Michael Jang, RHCSA exam study guide, RHCE exam study guide, linux kernel, linux system administration, linux command line, linux+, Red Hat, linux networking, hands-on certification, Virtual Machines, Automated Installations, Command Line, RHCSA Security Options, The Boot Process, Linux File System Administration, Package Management, User Administration, System Administration Tasks, Red Hat Security, RHCE security, RHCSA security, System Services, SELinux, RHCE Administrative Tasks, Network Services, DNS, SMTP, iSCSI, NTP, Apache Web Server, Samba File Server, NFS, NFS Secured with Kerberos, MariaDB Server,RHCSA exam study guide; RHCE exam study guide; linux kernel; linux system administration; linux command line; linux+; Red Hat; linux networking; Michael Jang; hands-on certification; Virtual Machines; Automated Installations; Command Line; RHCSA Security Options; The Boot Process; Linux File System Administration; Package Management; User Administration; System Administration Tasks; Red Hat Security; RHCE security; RHCSA security; System Services; SELinux; RHCE Administrative Tasks; Network Services; DNS; SMTP; iSCSI; NTP; Apache Web Server; Samba File Server; NFS; NFS Secured with Kerberos; MariaDB Server,Study Guide,Training Development,United States,COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / General,COMPUTERS / Client-Server Computing,COMPUTERS / General,COMPUTERS / Networking / Vendor Specific,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Linux,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / UNIX,COMPUTERS / System Administration / Linux UNIX Administration,Client-Server Computing - General,Computers/Certification Guides - General,Computers/Client-Server Computing - General,Computers/System Administration - Linux UNIX Administration,Operating Systems - Linux,Computers - Certification,Computers,Computer Books General,Computer certification,Red Hat

RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books Reviews :

RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books Reviews

  • While waiting for this book I had the opportunity to try and use a number of the other RHEL7 RHCE guides and found them all rather disappointing. This author's RHEL6 guide was the one I made the most use of when studying for my RHCE, and this guide looks like it's of the same high quality. I don't envy him the task of learning all the changes in RHEL7 and incorporating them into this new book! It looks like he hit most of them.

    I was a bit annoyed that he hand-waves past one of the biggest RHEL7 changes-- network interface naming. He notes that one can configure a network interface to be called 'eth0' and then proceeds to use minimally changed examples from RHEL6. I would have liked to have seen more of a RHEL7-ish way of doing things rather than a quick and dirty "keep it like RHEL6" approach, but I also understand that if we waited for this book to be perfect, RHEL8 probably would already be released before the "perfect" book would be.

    I've also had trouble finding the online errata. The site they list for downloads and errata doesn't seem to know this book exists yet. Maybe it's still too new.
  • Well well worth the price and then some. Great book if you are already experienced with linux, I've found so many other books to be an extreme bore because they start out with trivial command line basics and linux fundamentals. This books dives right in to more advanced concepts more importantly the objectives covered in the RHCSA. If you are a total linux beginner this is not the book for you, but if you already have a good start and have been doing some administration you will very much enjoy the switch up from the 'every day linux book' to exciting tasks.

    While I have found some issues with some of the tasks outlined in the book not going exactly as shown in the examples, I'm not sure if that is intentional or not. It may be totally intentional that some of the tasks do not work as shown to get readers to find the issue themselves. For example in chapter 2 Michael outlines using virt-clone and provides a working example, while the example does clone the VM it does not properly create a new unix socket for the vm or set permissions on vm image, and the selinux contexts must be set as well - without applying these the VM would not start for me. The thing about this is that I very much enjoyed figuring out why the VM would not start on my own and I learned something else out of that exercise besides 'just cloning a virtual machine' .

    So far this book was great, and along with a FULL COPY of the book in PDF format, all the labs in PDF format, as well as content for the labs, its an exceptional value for the price of the book.

    5/5 stars!!
  • The do to book when it comes to getting certified.
    Used Mr. Jang's RHEL 6 book to get certified last time and am using this one (RHEL 7) to get updated.
    Complete and proven in my case, PDF's included for on the go studying, with no DRM!
  • The book is great (I have not taken the RHCSA 7 test since I started using this book). I have read other RHCSA 7 books and feel this is the superior book. The information for the different tasks is concise. I really appreciate this fact. I'm not a super smart person so I need things to be explained clearly. My only complain would be the fact that the author provides the minimal amount of information on the different subjects. In order to get a deep dive of certain things, I had to do some self study on the matter. However, the author makes this fact clear from the very beginning. He advises that the book will not cover everything you need to know on a topic and that RHCSA 7 attempts are not for Linux beginners. He also suggests additional study material if you're a newbie or alternate certifications that would be more appropriate for a less experienced Linux user/administrator. If you have a decent Linux background (regardless of distribution) and can move around in the command line and do simple stuff, or have a little bit of Red Hat experience, this book is for you. If you lack an overall understanding of Linux, the command line, directory tree structure, configuration files, etc. this book will certainly teach you things but you'll have to fill the knowledge gap with more "beginner" level study material.
More aboutRead Online RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide Seventh Edition Exams EX200 EX300 Michael Jang Alessandro Orsaria 9780071841962 Books

Read Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre I Romanzi Vol 5 Italian Edition eBook Francesco Gioia Edizioni Il Vento Antico

By Megan Bradley

Read Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre I Romanzi Vol 5 Italian Edition eBook Francesco Gioia Edizioni Il Vento Antico

Download As PDF : Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre I Romanzi Vol 5 Italian Edition eBook Francesco Gioia Edizioni Il Vento Antico

Download PDF Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre I Romanzi Vol 5 Italian Edition eBook Francesco Gioia Edizioni Il Vento Antico

1865 Meridione d'Italia
Mentre infuria la pulizia etnica della classe contadina, Martino Dulcamare, ex soldato del comando borbonico, riunisce a sé uomini, poi definiti briganti, per combattere il potere e aiutare la propria gente. Accanto a lui Margherita, abbandonata dalla legge e da Dio. Appassionata, ostinata e feroce, lotterà fino alla fine per quello in cui crede. Né l'amore, né la prigione e nemmeno quel governo appena nato riuscirono a domarla.
Un romanzo intenso, struggente e a tratti corale per una pagina dimenticata della nostra Storia.

Read Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre I Romanzi Vol 5 Italian Edition eBook Francesco Gioia Edizioni Il Vento Antico


Product details

  • File Size 639 KB
  • Print Length 302 pages
  • Publisher Edizioni Il Vento Antico; 1 edition (March 25, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 25, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre I Romanzi Vol 5 Italian Edition eBook Francesco Gioia Edizioni Il Vento Antico

Tags : Buy Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre (I Romanzi Vol. 5) (Italian Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Francesco Gioia, Edizioni Il Vento Antico,Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre (I Romanzi Vol. 5) (Italian Edition),Edizioni Il Vento Antico,Fiction / Thrillers / Historical,Fiction / Historical

Uno spiraglio nelle tenebre I Romanzi Vol 5 Italian Edition eBook Francesco Gioia Edizioni Il Vento Antico Reviews :

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Ebook Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy Jeffrey Berman Books

By Megan Bradley

Ebook Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy Jeffrey Berman Books

Download As PDF : Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy Jeffrey Berman Books

Download PDF Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy Jeffrey Berman Books

Explores Yalom’s profound contributions to psychotherapy and literature.

A distinguished psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Irvin D. Yalom is also the United States’ most well-known author of psychotherapy tales. His first volume of essays, Love’s Executioner, became an immediate best seller, and his first novel, When Nietzsche Wept, continues to enjoy critical and popular success. Yalom has created a subgenre of literature, the “therapy story,” where the therapist learns as much as, if not more than, the patient; where therapy never proceeds as expected; and where the therapist’s apparent failure provesultimately to be a success.

Writing the Talking Cure is the first book to explore all of Yalom’s major writings. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, Jeffrey Berman comments on Yalom’s profound contributions to psychotherapy and literature and emphasizes the recurrent ideas that unify his writings the importance of the therapeutic relationship, therapist transparency, here-and-now therapy, the prevalence of death anxiety, reciprocal healing, and the idea of the wounded healer. Throughout, Berman discusses what Yalom can teach therapists in particular and the common (and uncommon) reader in general.

Ebook Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy Jeffrey Berman Books


Product details

  • Paperback 336 pages
  • Publisher State University of New York Press (May 1, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1438473885

Read Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy Jeffrey Berman Books

Tags : Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D. Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy (9781438473888) Jeffrey Berman Books,Jeffrey Berman,Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D. Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy,State University of New York Press,1438473885,LITERARY CRITICISM / American / General,Literary Criticism,Literary Criticism/American - General,Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY / Psychotherapy / General,UNIVERSITY PRESS

Writing the Talking Cure Irvin D Yalom and the Literature of Psychotherapy Jeffrey Berman Books Reviews :

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Download PDF I racconti del mistero Italian Edition edition by Andrea Ceccarelli Literature Fiction eBooks

By Megan Bradley on Monday, May 27, 2019

Download PDF I racconti del mistero Italian Edition edition by Andrea Ceccarelli Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : I racconti del mistero Italian Edition edition by Andrea Ceccarelli Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF I racconti del mistero Italian Edition  edition by Andrea Ceccarelli Literature Fiction eBooks

19 racconti del mistero in cui la commistione della realtà quotidiana con elementi di carattere soprannaturale o surreale, e le circostanze non razionali vi terranno con il fiato sospeso e instilerranno sentimenti indescrivibili.  

Andrea Ceccarelli, nasce a Montepulciano in Toscana nel 1970, dove attualmente vive. Laureato in Scienze Politiche presso l'Università degli Studi di Siena, gestisce una piccola impresa di Noleggio con Conducente (NCC), con licenza di scrivere.

Download PDF I racconti del mistero Italian Edition edition by Andrea Ceccarelli Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 988 KB
  • Print Length 111 pages
  • Publisher Passerino (March 4, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 4, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read I racconti del mistero Italian Edition  edition by Andrea Ceccarelli Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : I racconti del mistero (Italian Edition) - edition by Andrea Ceccarelli. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading I racconti del mistero (Italian Edition).,ebook,Andrea Ceccarelli,I racconti del mistero (Italian Edition),Passerino

I racconti del mistero Italian Edition edition by Andrea Ceccarelli Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

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Download The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books

By Megan Bradley

Download The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 176 pages
  • Publisher Ixia Press (May 15, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0486832546

The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books Reviews

  • This was a book that I think is actually even more impactful than Think and Grow Rich, but it never got the accolades that Napoleon Hill's book got. Reading this book, really puts a lot of things into perspective about how the mind enters into the results that we get in life. It makes things about as clear as you could possibly want them to be, about understanding how to dictate your life through the power of thought. Amazing book, highly recommend.
  • I suggest listening to the audio on Youtube. It edits out a lot of the blah, blah, blah. Powerful if you believe in believing in yourself. The mirror technique I found to be very powerful.
  • This is my fourth reading of this classic on psychokinesis. I have very good intuitive thinking therefore it takes very little to convince me of the existence of the powers of the subconscious mind. I am a believer of the Big Bang theory and have great respect for science and astrophysics. Electromagnetism, vibrations and radiation bear much in this thinking. I believe this book is a must read by everyone both religious and nonreligious can be greatly stirred and inspired with confidence in their dealings with life.
  • FABULOUS BOOK. Bought it because I knew George Burns valued it, and I valued George Burns. Lots of the old vaudevillians swore by it as a means to achieve your dreams. The language is a little "trippy" now that it's many decades later, but the value is still all there. The value of seeing and believing in your dreams is well explained and if you model your thinking and your life after this thought process you cannot fail. It's well worth reading. It's the predecessor to all the "Law of Attraction" and the like but just without the God aspect. All of the teachings that follow come from this - do you yourself a favour and read the original.
  • I was given this book when I was 14 years old and have read it many times over the last 59 years. It has had a positive influence over me many times.

    Buy this for your young child, it will change their life.
  • This book along with Harold Sherman's book, Your Key to Happiness, should be part of everyone's library and read several times. In this book, Claude Bristol does an excellent job in explaining the law of attraction and how it's working whether you are aware of it or not and how it can bring positive OR negative experiences, events, circumstances, people your way--and explains step by step how to consciously use it.
  • I have been studying many of the self help book about the laws of attraction, and the power of thinking, etc.... and I must say that Claude Bristols books are beyond Powerful.... They give you examples, and step by step ways of improving your life by practicing the way you think. None of these books will be any good to the person who isn't willing to put forth the Mental Labor necessary to change their life. Like everything else in life... Life is what you put into it, and make of it. You acquire success by hard work. and once you've learned these Laws in life and discover how they work, you MUST spend time every day (morning is the best) practicing in thinking. Thinking on what you want and seeing it over and over and over again.. Its work pushing out other thoughts that try to creep in? thoughts that don't even matter, thoughts that say "you cant have that, you cant do that, you cant be that.." It takes hard mental labor daily to develop "The Magic of Believing"
  • I came upon this book many years ago and it really helped me turn my life around. Several years ago, I bought the CD of the book so I could listen to Claude Bristol tell his stories as a means of reinforcing what has helped me succeed in so many endeavors including finances, relationships, and career. I recently had to replace it because I sold the car and left the CD in the car! I hope the new owners will give it a try. I have to think that it was meant for me to leave it behind for them to find.

    No matter where you find yourself in life, every day is a new day and a new opportunity to set things right and move on with a new life. I highly recommend getting this CD for your daily drive or listening at home, as well as buying the paperback book. The one with the red cover. They still sell the original version and believe me when I say, you will not be disappointed. It's brilliant.
More aboutDownload The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books

Read La fattoria dei nuovi inizi Jamison Valley Vol 1 Italian Edition edition by Devney Perry Gabriella Diverio Literature Fiction eBooks

By Megan Bradley

Read La fattoria dei nuovi inizi Jamison Valley Vol 1 Italian Edition edition by Devney Perry Gabriella Diverio Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 2465 KB
  • Print Length 346 pages
  • Publisher Always Publishing (January 31, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 31, 2019
  • Language Italian

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